Welcome to your new brand tool kit.
Together, let’s build something meaningful.

Below I have complied a set of easy-to-use, step-by-step, tools I’ve used in my career to collaborate with brands from start up to Fortune 500. Today, I bring my tools to you for FREE. No gimmicks. No strings attached. No bullshit. This is 100% free for you to use. Why? Because people like you, with good ideas, few resources, and tight budgets need a little help. A loving push in the right direction. Something to help ground you while you embark on your journey.

For a limited-time only I’ll offer virtual one-on-one services for FREE as well. You can email me your questions and set up a one hour Zoom chat LIVE with me. I’ll be here to answer your questions, walk you through each canvas step-by-step, inspire you to dream big, and encourage you to build the future you want.

This offer is only available from July 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023. So take action now!

Step 01 _ Brand Purpose Canvas

Use this canvas when you want to define your brand’s purpose. Your reason for existing beyond profit. It combines what pisses you off, what you’re good at, and wha the world needs.

Step 02 . A _ Business Model Canvas

Use this canvas when you want to clearly visualize your entire business. It helps identify key partners, key activities, key resources, value proposition, customer relationships, customer segments, cost structure, and revenue stream.

Step 02 . B _ Value Proposition Canvas

Use this canvas to help you define your value proposition. It helps you visualize your customer gains, pains, and jobs – and connects them to your brands gain creators, pain relievers, and list of services.

Step 02 . C_Customer Avatar Canvas

Use this canvas when you want to visualize your ideal customer. Define demographics, general interests, goals and values, problems and challenges, and sources of information. This will help you get into the mindset of your customer to craft campaigns that are relevant to them.

Intrigued? Let’s connect for a morning coffee or happy hour cocktail to discuss your needs.

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